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order process icon01

作品設計諮詢➡︎ 與貴賓確認訂製細節(訂單內容條款確認) ➡︎ 作品下訂(完成付款)➡︎ 開始訂製(約25-30日不含假日工作天)➡︎ 訂製品交付

★Special order高級訂製

order process icon02

預約作品設計諮詢(可告知設計師需求及預算)➡︎ 設計師報價及估算訂製天數➡︎ 貴賓確認訂單(訂單內容及條款確認)➡︎完成付款 ➡︎開始訂製(需至少約25-30日不含假日工作天)➡︎ 訂製品交付


  1. 官網付款購買後即屬正式合約,請詳讀條款後再下單
  2. 下單前請再次確認尺寸、樣式、顏色等細項
  3. 若要新增品項或修改樣式等細項可登入會員帳戶後,連繫客服人員並告知訂單號碼,客服人員會儘速協助修改訂單
  4. 單筆訂單若包含訂製作品及現貨作品,統一會於作品完成後一併寄出,若要拆單寄送需支付運費



7-11/ 全家:取貨不付款

台灣離島便利商店 店到店






順豐速運 中國各區、香港、澳門




週一至週五 10:00~18:00(國定假日休息)


⊹ 165反詐騙⊹

賣場不會主動以電話要求您至ATM解除設定,亦不會要求提供信用卡背面的客服電話,接獲帶+號的電話更要小心;若接到假冒客服或是銀行人員電話以 (訂單金額分期付款/扣款失敗/更改結帳方式/超商條碼異常)等名義,請您提供帳戶、信用卡資料或操作ATM轉帳匯款,還請提高警覺!

煩請透過多方聯繫管道: 客服信箱(nvjd.customerservice@gmail.com)、訂單問答諮詢確認





𝐍𝐮𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐉𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 感謝您

First of all, thank you for becoming a member of 𝐍𝐮𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐉𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧. When you become a member of the website (https://www.nvjd.it), it means that you have read in detail, clearly understood and agreed to accept the information provided by NUOVIAGGIO JEWELLERY DESIGN STUDIO) and all contents of these terms of service. In addition, when you use specific services on this website, you may be required to comply with the terms of service or related regulations separately announced on this website depending on the nature of the specific service. If you are under the age of 20, you must have your parent / guardian read, understand and agree to all the contents of these Terms of Service before you can use this service. When you use or continue to use our service, it is presumed that your parent (or guardian) has read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents of these Terms of Service and subsequent modifications.

This website does not assume any responsibility when the following situations occur:

  • The risks of the services on this website will be borne by you personally. Members agree to use the services of this website based on their personal wishes and agree to assume any risks, including downloading information or pictures from this website or information obtained from the services of this website that resulting in any resource loss and other consequences.
  • The object information, personal information, uploaded pictures and other behaviors that members fill in on this website are purely the member's personal behavior. This website is not responsible for the authenticity or completeness of its content.
  • This website has nothing to do with any damage, loss, theft or tampering of data caused by force majeure that affects the normal operation of the network, such as computer virus intrusion or outbreak, temporary shutdown due to government control, etc.
  • This website does not assume any express or implied warranty for various services. This website does not guarantee the stability, security, error-free and uninterrupted services of various services. Members expressly assume all risks of using the services of this website and any damage that may occur.
  • Maintain and update your personal membership information to ensure it is correct, current and complete. If you provide any incorrect, untrue or incomplete information, this website has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse you to use all or part of the features of this service.
  • Members who publish or publish false or illegal information, infringe upon the rights of others, deceive or extort through the official website of this website are purely the members' personal behavior, and this website is not responsible for any disputes arising from this.

⊹ Hereby declare⊹

In order to protect the rights and interests of all members, customers who are consuming on this website for the first time could shop on the website after completing the registration as a member.

During the registration process, you can set an email and password for yourself. Through this account, you can use relevant membership services according to the website instructions.

Please confirm that the personal information you provide is true and accurate. This website will not be responsible for any damage or errors caused by inaccurate or incomplete information provided in your information, and you will be responsible for this yourself.

If you refuse to provide personal information, you may not be able to fully utilize certain services on this website.

Please keep your member account and password safe and do not provide the above information to anyone, do not allow anyone to apply for or use the account or password with your personal information. This website will not assume any responsibility for improper use of passwords.

If you share your computer with others or use a public computer, please remember to log out and close your browser to prevent others from seeing the above information and how to obtain your account.

In stock: shipped within 5-7 working days (excluding holidays)

Customized products: 25-30 working days for delivery (excluding holidays)

Some works may have a longer wait due to manufacturer and logistics factors, thanking for your understanding.

⊹Order Process⊹


order process icon01

Enquiry➡︎Quotation➡︎Order confirmation➡︎Complete payment process➡︎ Production(25-30 working days excluding holidays)➡︎Order delivery

★Special order

order process icon02

Enquiry➡︎Initial meeting➡︎Request Custom Quotation(design concept, budget)➡︎Complete payment process➡︎ Designs➡︎Final quotation➡︎Order confirmation➡︎Production(25-30 working days excluding holidays)➡︎ Order delivery


1.Once you pay for the purchase on the official website, it becomes a formal contract. Please read the terms carefully before placing an order.

2.Please reconfirm the size, style, color and other details before placing an order.

3.If you want to add new items or modify styles and other details, you can log in to your membership account, contact our customer service and inform us of the order number. We will help modify the order as soon as possible.

4.If a single order includes custom-made works and in stock works, they will be sent together after the works are all completed. If you want to split the order and send it, you will need to pay the shipping fee.

⊹Delivery method⊹

★ Convenience store logistics and distribution

7-11/ FamilyMart: Pick up without payment

Taiwan's Outer Islands: convenience store direct delivery 

(When the works are shipped, the system will send an e-mail notification. Please confirm whether the email account is correct. After the works are delivered to the pick-up store, the store will send a pick-up SMS. Please remember to avoid the works being returned)

★ Home delivery logistics (no cash on delivery service provided)

SF express: within Taiwan

Lalamove: Limited to urgent items for Taipei, New Taipei city and Keelung

T-cat (President Transnet): Taiwan's Outer Islands only.

SF express: China, Hong Kong, Macau

Chunghwa Post International Express (EMS) : Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.

‼ ️If the work is returned beyond the pickup time, the guest needs to bear the cost of re-sending it.

⊹Customer service⊹

Mon.-Fri. 10:00~18:00 (closed on national holidays)

If you have any concerns about the works you purchased, please feel free to contact our customer service to provide you with timely assistance.

⊹165 Anti-Fraud⊹

The store will not take the initiative to ask you to go to the ATM to deactivate the settings by phone, nor will it ask for the customer service number on the back of your credit card.

Phone numbers that start with “+” are often scams. Please be vigilant! Recently, scammers have increasingly been pretending to be from transportation industries, such as intercity buses and taxis. They use phone numbers with the digits “+8869”and claim to be customer service representatives, saying there has been a credit card payment error, or that a recurring charge, monthly ticket, or group ticket has been set up by mistake. The scammers then instruct the targeted individual to contact their bank and cancel the charge. These methods are used to scam victims.

•Beware of phone numbers that start with “+“

•Do not follow scammers instructions to use an ATM or online banking system

•Do not provide bank or credit card information

•Call the 1955 hotline, 165 hotline, or customer services to verify the situation

Please contact us through multiple channels: customer service email (nvjd.customerservice@gmail.com), order Q&A for consultation and confirmation.

Thank you and wish you have a nice day.

𝐍𝐮𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐉𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 




